Kingdra is Unique 刺龍王一個獨特的存在

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刺龙王 Kingdra

Weak Against 弱势 :

Strong Against 优势 :

战斗力(CP) 2424  57/251
攻击(ATK) 194 58/251
防御(DEF) 194 53/251
耐力(STA) 150 74/251

 Quick Move 快速技能表 

水枪(Water Gun)        

龙息(Dragon Breath)   

Charge Move 蓄力技能表

水炮(Hydro Pump)   



Best Moveset 推荐技能组合: Dragon Breath/Hydro Pump 龙息/水炮

Kingdra is unique in the Generation II lineup as it is both water and dragon typed, making it very difficult to have type advantage over her. Dragon Breath is generally the better choice than Water Gun, as it deals more, or in worst case the same amount of damage than Water Gun.  Both are equally fast (0.5 seconds). The only time you would not want to use Dragon Breath is against a team that’s heavily based around Ground / Rock types. As far as Charge moves go, Hydro Pump deals the most damage, but Outrage is also an interesting move, especially against Dragon type pokemon.


Kingdra 刺龙王 CP 1916 vs Dragonite 快龙 CP 3504 (

Kingdra 刺龙王 CP 1916 vs Tyranitar 班吉拉 CP 3506

