


符文禁錮(緩速) (W)

魔力消耗由 30/45/60/75/90 提升至 40/55/70/85/100。



大快朵頤 (W)

吐出英雄後僵硬時間由 1秒 縮短至 0.25秒

友軍英雄離開貪啃奇身體時最大距離由 400 縮短至 250

吞噬敵方英雄傷害由100/135/170/205/240(+5/7/9/11/13% 目標最大生命)下調至 60/105/150/195/240(+9/10/11/12/13% 目標最大生命)

現在貪啃奇本身受到控制效果影響時(暈眩、恐懼、壓制... 等等),友軍將無法主動離開貪啃奇身體。

When asked how the 

Teemo changes were going, Meddler commented:

"Most recent version in testing was pretty E focused as follows (differences all versus previous prototype version, not versus live Teemo): 
- No longer granted extra sight range- CD didn't tick down faster in push- Distance while invisible up a bit- CD lower- Standing in push slowly replenished distance Teemo could move while invisible 
Haven't heard how playtesting with that went though. Expect this will likely continue as a slow burn project rather than something that gets released or killed quickly, especially given it's the secondary priority of the designer working on it."

