聯盟戰棋:金牌1上鑽石只花了5天!超詳細講解 /上鑽心得分享 / 運營技巧 / 陣容分享 / 轉陣教學

哈嘍~我是啵緹,是位遊戲實況主🎮  英雄聯盟戰棋已經在7/31號上「鑽石」嘍~

這是我花了三天三夜完成的詳細教學! 真D花了我好多精力啊~~


平常我也會觀摩刺蝟軍、KYO的實況琢磨技巧, 當你願意聽見不同的聲音(建議) 你會發現更多無限的可能XD


如果你也有很厲害的秘訣或是技巧   也歡迎一起交流、分享哦😂

----------- 【關注啵緹】--------------

🔹FB粉專 : https://m.facebook.com/boty0411/

🔹Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/botylove

🔹金剛實況 : https://www.kingkong.com.tw/1621319


  • We shipped an update to LoL's cursor in July 2018. Our belief was that the updated version would be a better experience for most players. That generally seemed to be true, testing did indicate that a subset of players indicated they found the cursor change really disruptive though.
  • In response to that we added a Legacy Cursor option to allow players to opt into the old functionality. Cost, both upfront and ongoing, of doing so was pretty low and audience asking for the old cursor seemed to be of a meaningful size.

