







Game Modes and Events 
We've had fewer temporary modes available this year due to our focus on other work, TFT especially. We do want to get back to offering new or variant game modes more often though in the future, especially when there's a larger event happening. We're still figuring out details of how we'll approach that, wanted to mention that this was on our minds however. We agree with feedback that events are a lot better when there's something different to play in them in addition to missions, new cosmetics, etc. 
Looking at how past modes have performed we've generally seen that players tend to play the most in modes that are fun variations on existing gameplay (e.g. One for All, ARURF, the ARAM events, Hexakill etc are SR/ARAM with a twist). It's likely we'll mainly be exploring options like that as a result. Modes that deviate significantly more from base LoL (e.g. Project: Overcharge or Dark Star) do generate a lot of initial excitement. Their play rate then plummets extremely quickly though. We’d rather spend time working on things players will enjoy for longer, hence that choice of focus. 
In terms of timeframe that approach is going to be reflected next year in particular. Sometime in the remainder of this year we should have ARURF back at some point. Hoping to also get something else out there, though still discussing what's feasible and for when. 

