改變流行的機智設計! 國外盛讚「有口袋的婚紗」:對新娘幫助太大


▼首先在網上談論起婚紗口袋的,是一位名叫Esther Kezia Thorpe的網友,她寫道:「我朋友昨天結婚了,而她的婚紗禮服上有口袋,這是我看過最棒的東西了!」

STOP EVERYTHING so one of my friends got married yesterday and she had POCKETS ON HER WEDDING DRESS which is just the best thing I have ever seen. pic.twitter.com/3A0PF3102V

- Esther Kezia Thorpe (@EstherKeziaT) 2 સપ્ટેમ્બર, 2018


Monica Fineis@MonFineis

Jumping on the #weddingdresswithpockets train. Here’s my beautiful bestie last weekend in this very Marilyn number. #dresseswithpockets


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上午7:27 - 2018年9月8日

Twitter 廣告資訊與隱私

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Kate Matthews@KateFreelance

回覆給 @EstherKeziaT

Bride with pockets back in 2011 - had my lippy, tissues & something blue to hand at all times! When will more fashion designers realise #WOMENNEEDPOCKETSTOO on all our clothes! #weddingdresswithpockets

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下午7:22 - 2018年9月4日

Twitter 廣告資訊與隱私

131 人正在談論此話題

▼婚紗公司Mirror Mirror Couture的合夥人Maria Yiannikaris在接受《泰唔士報》採訪時,就指出:「過去,婚紗上有口袋被認為是不雅觀的。但現在,新娘完全可以穿著6000英鎊的禮服,並把雙手插在口袋裡。社會風氣已經改變,變得更隨意。」

▼倫敦婚禮精品店Sassi Holford的銷售經理Christina Sancha也讚同道:「顧客試到有口袋的婚紗時會非常開心,因為這讓他們感覺更舒適。」


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