Taiwan successfully isolates virus strain武漢肺炎疫情露曙光!台灣成功分離病毒株 有望加速疫苗研發

Dawn of pneumonia outpeak in Wuhan! Taiwan's successful isolation of virus strains expected to accelerate vaccine development

Yesterday (1/31) Taiwan added another 10 cases of Wuhan pneumonia. The patient was a 40-year-old Taiwanese businessman who returned from Wuhan on January 12 and was the husband of the ninth case. The case has recovered but the virus is still present in the body and is temporarily classified as confirmed. However, the good news is that China has successfully isolated the Wuhan pneumonia virus strain from patients and is expected to develop related vaccines in the future.

The outside world has questioned how the epidemic detection staff detected the virus since the 10th case was cured. Anti-epidemic doctor Huang Wanting said that after the ninth case of the Taiwanese businessman's wife was confirmed, the epidemic prevention staff suspected that her husband was likely to be infected, and then traced and checked the husband of the case to confirm whether there was a hidden source of infection. A virus gene was detected in the respiratory tract, and a virus gene fragment was confirmed. It was determined that the Taiwan businessmen had been infected, and it was listed as the 10th confirmed case.

Zhuang Renxiang, an official from the monitoring and control department, said that virus strains have been found from patients and successfully isolated, and they will be able to engage in more research, cultivation, development of vaccines, drug treatments and new drug development in the future. However, Zhuang Renxiang said that he could not disclose which unit successfully isolated the virus strain, but could only say that "not the Department of Disease Control", because many laboratories and hospitals in Taiwan have sampled virus samples, and many hospitals have the ability to isolate the virus strain.

Minister Weifu Chen Shizhong also announced at the press conference that following mainland China, Australia, and Japan, Taiwan has already been able to isolate the virus scientifically, becoming the fourth country or region in the world to isolate Wuhan pneumonia virus.

武漢肺炎疫情露曙光!台灣成功分離病毒株 有望加速疫苗研發





