
馬來西亞的一名飛機師目前躲在印尼沒工作,到處借錢,欠錢不還,這次他騙我的是他母親死了,要趕著回來,不夠錢因為要辦簽證。於是我借他了!後來他很用心做了一大堆故事來騙,錢說要還也沒還。甚至還把我block掉!請和你身邊的朋友分享,因為我剛知道其實不只是我一個,很多同事也遭殃…… 幫我傳出去!他要紅我就給他紅!謝謝你們!感恩🙏🏻😔 To all the airline crew, saya mohon crew dan pilot VIRALKAN LAH!! Malaysian pilot yang jobless takde kerja lain tapi buat banyak drama, buat cerita untuk tipu duit orang! Orang di Jakarta ni!! Untuk mengelakkan kes yang sama happen again, better viralkan! Saya taknak mangsa seterusnya kena lagi!! Aku punya kes, dia kata mak dia kat hospital, nak balik tak cukup duit, bcz credit card cant use, tak cukup cash, nak bayar Visa Compound, need rm2k. Lepas i transfer dia pulak kata mak dia dah meninggal! Aku pun stress la nak bagi dia balik cepat! So i transfer la first transaction to him. But after the truth revealed, actually his mom is fine. Aku ok jer kalau dia pinjam, takde duit nak pulangkan i akan bagi masa kalau dia minta i bagi chance, tapi how many times dah kata nak transfer, pastu kata bank offline, puasa lunch time bank tutup! Dia dah blocked i dah.. Nasib baik la i ada gambar dia!! Nak pandai tipu pun buat la cerita yang cantik sikit!! If ppl read this article, u wan to say im stupid or wat is up to u la k? Bcz u dont know the true story.. At least i help! He said mother sick!! Need to come back but no money! For friend i will help if i can help, normally wont take tis kind of stuff and joke about it or curse his own mother die. Bulan puasa! Dosa kalau tipu benda macam ni!

Hariz Victor i want to see u nak drama until when. Filled in the cash transfer form, sent me the copy without any bank stamping and u told me u waited in the bank for so long.. Come on!! The slowest bank in Malaysia also can proceed faster than ur bank!! Few hours in the bank just for one transaction all Mandiri bank can close down already! So u sign ur own write ur own, n u think the bank can proceed the transaction? Bank close at 3pm, called Mandiri Bank call centre verified. U tell me "who said bank close??" The Bank customer service! 3.30pm u still at the bank?! 10.30pm malaysia time i will receive my cash u said?! I can let public see ur handwriting. Even the bank use column is ur handwriting.. Safina Alfian haha u see!! Dia memang ingat i bodoh sangat!! 

Think positively, money gone can earn back bcz i have a good job, but i wont let him go easily. Since Hariz tried his best to do so many things, ini panggil "hardwork"!!!! He created so much of new idea to con different ppl. Shall see u in the court:)
