要打車?用手機APP 在菲律賓叫匹「 出租馬 」



中新網2月26日電 據外媒報導,在菲律賓,手機應用軟件“Grab”可以呼叫出租車、包車、直升機,甚至一度還可以叫自行車。但這還不夠!現在,在菲北部山城碧瑤市,這個打車神器還能叫“出租馬”。





According to foreign media reports, in the Philippines, mobile phone application software "Grab" can call a taxi, chartered, helicopter, and even once can also be called a bike. But this is not enough! Now, in the northern Philippine city of Baguio City, the artifact can also be called "rent horse".

According to reports, called the taxi started "GrabTaxi" is the Philippines to reshape the pand, the various means of transport together, commonly known as "Grab". Recently, the company announced on the social networking site called "rental horse" service. However, this service is limited to Baguio (Baguio), launched from Fepuary 26 to 28.

Baguio City is located in the Philippine capital Manila about 250 kilometers north of the Philippines is a summer resort, beautiful scenery, riding is a popular local tourists one of the activities.

According to reports, during the event, people can use "Grab" free called "rental horse". However, although the "horse" itself is free, but people will generally give the groom tip.

There are people worried about the safety of horses, but "Grab" response, this activity is to promote the local culture and tourism resources in Baguio City, there will be no animals hurt.

