可愛狐猴享心形點心 與人類共迎情人節來臨

愛狐猴享心形點心 與人類共迎情人節來臨

Cute lemurs enjoy heart-shaped snacks and human beings welcome Valentine's Day coming


Lemurs are holding heart-shaped snack looks like, so that visitors feel funny and romantic and warm.

可愛狐猴享心形點心 與人類共迎情人節來臨

中新網2月16日電 西方的情人節剛剛過去,據外媒報導,不僅我們人類過情人節,動物園裡的動物們也會在這個浪漫的節日裡湊個熱鬧。在英國的紐奎利動物園裡,就有一群狐猴,在情人節當天吃著心形點心慶祝節日。




China's news  Valentine's Day has just passed, according to foreign media reports, not only our human Valentine's Day, animal animals in the zoo will be in this romantic festival in a lively. In the Newquay Zoo in the UK, there is a group of lemurs, eating heart-shaped dessert celepations on Valentine's Day.

Reported that the staff of the zoo, in order to create a romantic atmosphere in the park, especially the lemurs love beetroot and sweet potato made a love shape. And lemurs are holding heart-shaped dim sum look, so that visitors feel funny and romantic, and romantic and warm.

But the report also pointed out that such a beautiful scene is also difficult to cover up the number of these lovely leeches decline in the facts. Experts believe that lemurs are now the world's most endangered mammals.

IUCN pointed out that in the next 20 years, if there is no human intervention and help, the world will have 90 species disappeared. While the lemurs, due to their habitat - forests in Madagascar, are facing erosion and destruction of human activities that have become endangered species for many years.

