美國1歲寶寶滑雪視頻走紅 姿勢專業萌翻網友 ( 內附視頻 )

美國1歲寶寶滑雪視頻走紅 姿勢專業萌翻網友

The United States 1 year old baby ski video popular posture professional sprout friends

美國1歲寶寶滑雪視頻走紅 姿勢專業萌翻網友美國1歲寶寶滑雪視頻走紅 姿勢專業萌翻網友

據英國《每日郵報》2月1日報導,近日,一則小嬰兒滑雪的視頻走紅網絡。視頻中,美國猶他州北鹽湖城14月大的小女孩斯蘭·亨德森(Sloan Henderson)向網友們展示了她精湛的滑雪技藝。

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on Fepuary 1, recently, a small baby skiing video popular network. Video, the United States, Utah, North Salt Lake City in 14 big girl Sloan Henderson (Sloan Henderson) to show her friends of her superb ski skills.

美國1歲寶寶滑雪視頻走紅 姿勢專業萌翻網友


Sloan just learned to walk around four weeks ago. Now she's skiing. In the video, she stood firmly on the snowboard. Smooth finish after a distance and also and Dad clap to celepate, very cute.

美國1歲寶寶滑雪視頻走紅 姿勢專業萌翻網友

據悉,該視頻被放到網上後,觀看人數超過17萬次。很多網友表示,長大後的斯蘭一定會成為一名優秀的滑雪運動員。It is reported that the video was put online, watching the number of more than 170,000 times. Many users said that after growing up the Sri Lanka will become a good skier.

