Pokemon Go- CP Drop Rate 網友分析CP值的下降速度

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Gyms have been re-opened in Pokemon GoFighting in gyms now relies heavily on what Niantic is referring to as the “motivation system.” Each Pokemon has a motivation bar, and when that bar is drained, the Pokemon will be kicked out of the gym.  They will lose motivation after being defeated in gyms, but they will also just gradually lose motivation over time regardless of how often they are defeated. As the motivation drops, the Pokemon also loses CP, making it easier to defeat. Pokemon with higher CPs lose motivation quicker than Pokemon with lower CPs.

  寶可夢的干勁會隨著時間的影響和被踢館寶可夢打敗而減少,同時CP值也會跟著下降。當“干勁“也就是寶可夢頭上的愛心被掏空了以後,寶可夢將會被送回主人手裡。 CP值越高的寶可夢,干勁流失的越快。

How  fast do Pokemon loss CP/motivation if they are not defeated in battle 如果在不被打敗的情況下CP值流失會有多快?

Analysis from Reddit User 網友分析:

The loss rate is based on the original (full) CP, and remains the same even when the CP goes down. 

Pokemon with over 3000 CP lose roughly 10% CP every hour, while Pokemon with CP below 3000 lose about 1% CP every hour. 

CP超過3000的寶可夢每小時大約會流失10%的CP值,而CP低於3000的寶可夢每小時大約會流失1%的CP值。 CP的流失速度取決於寶可夢本身原有的CP值,比如說一只CP超過 3000的 快龍被扣到剩下2999時,CP值還是會照原本的速度繼續下降不會因為低於三千而減慢。

