Go Fest Challenge Time 芝加哥活動挑戰時間

傳說寶可夢終於要登陸了 Legendary Pokemon are finally coming to Pokemon Go

官方將於美國時間 7 月 22 日在芝加哥舉行「Pokémon GO Fest」,只要參加活動的訓練家和世界各地的訓練家同心協力,捕捉許多寶可夢,某隻傳說的寶可夢就會降臨芝加哥會場。 如果芝加哥會場內的訓練家能打倒這隻傳說的寶可夢,這隻寶可夢就會從日本時間 7 月 23 日起出現在世界各地的團體戰中。

當玩家在道館裡看到發黑閃亮的「傳說的蛋」,就表示傳說的寶可夢即將出現。傳說的寶可夢實力非常強大,所以挑戰時一定要和其他訓練家同心協力,否則可能錯過這個捕捉傳說的寶可夢的絕佳機會。 (玩家可以在團體戰或道館對戰中使用捉到的傳說的寶可夢,但無法將牠指派至道館。)

As Trainers around the world go out and explore their neighborhoods in search of Pokémon and Raid Battles, they can keep an eye out for unique Legendary Eggs appearing at Gyms. If Trainers and their team are able to successfully defeat a Legendary Raid Boss, they’ll have the opportunity to catch a Legendary Pokémon of their own! While Legendary Pokémon will help them take on the toughest Raid Bosses and Gym Battles, they’re not willing to leave their Trainer’s side, so they can’t be left to defend Gyms.

On July 22, thousands of Trainers in Grant Park for Pokémon GO Fest and the millions of others around the world will be working together to unlock in-game bonuses for the entire Pokémon GO community. If they manage to catch enough Pokémon during the Pokémon GO Fest Challenge Windows, the first Legendary Pokémon will be revealed in Grant Park. If the Trainers in Chicago succeed in defeating the Legendary Pokémon, that Pokémon will start appearing in Raid Battles around the world, after Pokémon GO Fest.

Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO Fest Chicago : 22 July 2017  (10 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. CDT)

新加坡開始時間 Singapore Time:   22 July 11.00 p.m. -23 July 8.00 a.m.

馬來西亞開始時間 Malaysia Time: 22 July 11.00 p.m. -23 July 8.00 a.m.

台灣開始時間 Taipei,Taiwan:22 July 11.00 p.m. -23 July 8.00 a.m.

馬來西亞,台灣和新加坡沒有時差。There is no time difference between these three countries currently

台灣,新加坡和馬來西亞的時間比美國時間快13個小時。 Central Daylight Time is 13 hours behind of Singapore Time,Malaysia Time and Time in Taipei,Taiwan.

7月 23 日 23 July 

挑戰 Catch Challenge 1 (11.00 a.m. to 11.30a.m.CDT)

開始時間 Start Time:0.00 a.m.

持續時間 Duration :30 分鐘 min

挑戰 Catch Challenge 2  (1.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. CDT)

開始時間 Start Time :2.00 a.m. 

持續時間 Duration :30 分鐘 min

挑戰 Catch Challenge 3  (3.00 p.m. to 3.30p.m. CDT)

開始時間 Start Time :4.00 a.m. 

持續時間 Duration :30 分鐘 min

 神秘任務 Mystery Challenge (6.00 p.m to 7.00 p.m. CDT)

開始時間 Start Time :7.00 a.m.

持續時間 Duration :60 分鐘 min

Source 來源:https://pokemongohub.net

