惡心! 馬六甲某著名酒家「店後掛白切雞」, 惹屋頂烏鴉圍觀+ 偷叼 !

 惡心! 馬六甲某著名酒家「店後掛白切雞」, 惹屋頂烏鴉圍觀+ 偷叼 !

經過 Banana Leaf污水洗碗風波 ,又有網友爆料“店後掛白切雞” 事件…

日前,一名 網友Anjali  在其臉書PO 文揭發馬六甲某著名酒家,把白切雞掛在餐廳後面風干,當過程中卻無人看管,還惹來一群烏鴉停駐在屋頂上 「圍觀 + 偷叼一口」!直到雞肉被偷吃了,員工才趕走烏鴉。 OMG,這太也惡心了~ 太不衛生了~


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事件發生在昨天下午,Restoran Kxxx-Xxx,位於SK Infant Jesus Convent 2對面的餐廳。煮熟的白斬雞被掛在餐廳後面,無人看管,最終成為了烏鴉的食物。當我丈夫看到整個經過,他拍下視頻作並拿給該餐館老板看。但店主對我丈夫很不禮貌,也無視投訴。親愛的朋友們,請把視頻分享出去,以避免這種只會 “賺錢” 的豪華餐廳。

Incident happened yesterday afternoon at Restoran Kxxx-Xxx. The restaurant situated opposite of SK Infant Jesus Convent 2. The cooked chicken meats for the chicken rice were hanged at the back of the restaurant and it was left unattended. And it finally became the food for the crows. When my husband saw the incident, he took the video as evidence and showed to the restaurant owner. But the owner behaved rude towards my husband and ignored the complaint. Dear friends, do share the video and please avoid this kind of luxury restaurant which give importance to profits only.

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